Organizing the trip yourself:
Unless otherwise noted, traffic on this tour is expected to
be "light" or "very light". Please follow this
link for an explanation of the author's traffic ratings.
Please refer to the links on the Home Page for important background on costs,
touring styles, transportation, bike types, rentals, maps, information
sources, traffic ratings, packing, and security and safety tips.
Refer to this page for information on French pronunciation, French bicycle nomenclature
and French road signs.
and Ending Points: Starting point: Le Puy-en-Velay***. A tiny minority of people do the Chemin in the opposite sense,
the sense of return. These are mainly true pilgrims who, as in ancient
times, are walking home from their pilgrimage.
Le Puy is accessible
from Paris on trains that carry assembled bicycles in four and one-half to five hours. See the page Trains and Bikes for more on French train options.
Another alternative for small groups used to e to rent a car or mini-van, and put your bike inside or on a rack. Hertz used to provide
one day, one-way rates within France of € 100 - € 150 and drop charges under €100 (2014), and as ageny
in Le Puy (a drive of approximately 6 hours from Paris). But as I write rates have more than doubled because of the pandemic. So check it out. Rates would be lower,
and particularly attractive, (for those living outside the European
Union) in conjunction with a French rail or Eurail pass. Other car
companies may have similar or better deals. In comparing alternatives, don't forget the costs of tolls and gas (petrol), which are high in Europe.
Ending point: Roncesvalles, Spain (in the Pyrenees) with a return
by bicycle (27 km - 16 mi), almost all downhill) to St. Jean-Pied-de-Port,
and train service to Bayonne carrying assembled bicycles. From
Bayonne, you can take a TGV to Paris with your assembled bike in under 5 hours.
British travelers, for both the outbound and return trips, should
check for possible air and bus alternatives with the Confraternity
of Saint James (see below), either directly or through their Pilgrim
I continued my biking trip for an extra day to the Pays Basque coast of France (to Biarritz***), or one could continue to the Atlantic coast further north. I give routing suggestions on the last itinerary page.
Optional Spanish ending points: Pamplona***, Compostella,*** or or other
Spanish cities, with Spanish regional trains eventually connecting
to Bayonne. In Spain, as long as you limit
yourself to regional trains, you can carry a bicycle on
(you may have to insist). From Pamplona there are regional trains
leaving for Alsausa in the morning, afternoon and evening. You can
transfer to another regional train going to Irún, on the
Atlantic at the French border. The total trip on regional trains
takes, as of this writing, 3 to 4 hours. (There is direct train
service twice a day from Pamplona to Saint Sebastian, but bicycles
are not permitted.) From the border TGVs run to Paris.
The address of the Spanish railway is
Click on "English", "Timetables and Price",
and "Regional". Now you should select "Norte"
or the orange top box on the map. Under Vittoria-Pamplona-Castejón
select Pamplona as your departure city and Alsausa as your arrival
city. Jot down the train times. Now under the line Miranda-Vitoria-Irún,
find trains that make connections from Alsausa to Irún.
Probably the best way to return from Compostela or elsewhere in Spain is by air. Iberia has inexpensive flights, and the baggage charge for a bicycle is under €100 at this writing.
Length of the
Ride: About 700 kilometers (420 miles) plus possible side trips. To ride from Le Puy-en-Velay to Roncesvalles
will take you approximately two weeks. This includes one rest
day, but you may wish to allow others.
If you wish to divide up your trip, logical sections are:
From Le Puy to Figeac—5 or 6 days (to Cahors 6 or 7 days).
From Figeac to Moissac—2 or 3 days. From Moissac to Saint.-Jean-Pied-de-Port— 5 to 7 days. Each of these logical starting and stopping points
is served by rail and automobile rentals. From the Figeac or Cahors you
can take your assembled bike directly back to Paris in one day. Other points with train service are Aumont-Aubrac, Decazeville,
Lectourne, Eauze, Nogaro, Aire-sur-l'Adour and Orthez. (This train information may be out of date. Check.)
Rentals: It would be impractical
to rent a bicycle for this one-way journey from Le Puy, particularly since a good quality rental is impossible to find in Paris. The best possibilities are to buy and resell a bike, or bring your bike
from home. See the general discussion of renting on this page. For the first week of the trip, it may be possible to rent a mountain bike with smooth tires nearby Le Puy and have it picked up in Cahors.
Accommodations: In the season it appears to be essential to reserve a few days ahead or more. Lodgings include hotels; gites d'étape (very frequent along
the Saint Jacques Way, often run by municipalities, with Spartan
bunk rooms, sometimes also spartan double rooms, cooking facilities,
and occasionally, meal service); chambres d'hotes (lodging in or
nearby private homes, sometimes meals—not mentioned in this
site's itinerary but listed in guide books, specifically the Miam-Miam-Dodo book discussed below or the huge general guide published on this type of lodging; or by Internet search);
rental rooms, sometimes in someone's house (chez l'inhabitant);
occasionally religious accommodations provided by the Catholic Church
or lay groups; and campsites for your tent.
The Miam-Miam-Dodo book described below lists all accommodations that are right
on, or near the Chemin, including the chambres d'hotes, with
prices. It also notes which gites and other accommodations accept
horses and donkeys.
It appeared to the author that most walkers and riders on the Chemin,
regardless of their means, usually chose to stay
in the gites d'étape. The pluses of gites are conviviality
and low price. The minuses are conviviality (if you don't want it),
communal facilities, lack of any luxury, and crowded sleeping.
Tip: A number of hotels (in Le Puy and elsewhere) have rooms of lower
quality "designated" for pilgrims at slightly lower rates,
and sometimes even at the same rates as their nicer rooms. On this
trip, always ask to see a hotel room before you accept it (assuming
the hotel is not full). You may well get a better room at the same price,
or choose to pay more to upgrade.
Tip: From April to September, pilgrims ( and holiday visitors) can
be numerous. While only 2,000 "pilgrims" a year arrived
in Santiago, Spain in 1986, approximately 60,000 arrived in 2001 and 145,000 in 2009 and more than 300,000 in 2019.
According to the two owners of the baggage transportation companies
(see below) it can be essential to make your sleeping reservations
five or more days ahead. There is, or used to be, however, a hiatus in June, when
it is/was not necessary to reserve in advance. The year 2021 will be a "holy year" when all sins are absolved , and the number of pilgrims is expected
to multiply. (See the Confraternity Site described below for more
Tip: If you are planning to
stay in Gites, which usually provide blankets but not sheets, you
will need to carry with you a sleeping sack, which you can buy for
about $20 to $30 (try in the category "sleeping bag liners" or Eastern
Mountain Sports). These poly-cotton commercial items weigh,
however up to 1.5 pounds. You may prefer to fashion your own "sheet"
out of light weight polyester or nylon. The author, for very little
money and time, once fabricated a double-long "sheet" that folds
into two twin size bed sheets. It takes up very little room, and
weights only 4 ounces; on the downside, it is a bit noisy (crinkly)
and less comfortable than cotton.
Lodging phone numbers and addresses can be
found in the guide books mentioned below, or on the Web (by a town
search) or in general accommodation guides. I strongly recommend, using the Miam-Miam-Dodo guidebooks, as they greatly simplify the task
of finding accommodations. provides traveller rankings of hotels and restaurants in the larger cities and town.
Pilgrim Passport (Créanciale): Pilgrim passports can be obtained in the Pilgrim Office behind the Cathedral of Le Puy (in the late afternoon) or from the Confraternity of Saint James (see "Information Sources" below), and can be stamped along the way, bearing witness, to your pilgrimage.
If you are continuing into Spain, you may wish to obtain the specific pilgrim passport (credential) used there, which gives you the right to stay at the Spanish gites (refugios); it is issued in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port or Roncesvalles. It may be that French passports are now accepted in Spain for that purpose. Check with the pilgrim welcome office in Saint-Jean.
GR65: The "GR65", or the "Grand
Randonée 65 is the name of the "standard" French
long-distance "Saint Jacques" walking route of
today between Le Puy-en_Velay and the Spanish Frontier. Most all walking
pilgrims choose to follow this route. Signposts marking the GR65
display the typical GR markingsa white rectangle over a red
rectangle, with arrows for turns and Xs to indicate errors. However, signposts on the GR65 also often display a pictogram of a scallop
shell, the symbol of Compostela. (In point of fact, the scallops one eats in
France are named coquilles Saint JacquesSaint James
shells). Warning: On some parts of the route, businesses have put up scallop shel signs that lead off to minor tourist sights or villages. It is good practice to rely upon the GR white and red markings.
The GR 65 walking trail was originally laid out by a combination of departmental tourist organizations,
non-profit organizations, and local governmets. Where possible, paths or minor lanes follow close to the original pilgrimage
routes. The GR65 avoids highways, even though many highways
of today were once the paths followed by the ancient pilgrims. The GR65 walker,
even if the his routing on the GR65 is different from the ancient
pilgrimage route, has a physical, psychological, and spiritual walking experience that resembles (at least in part)
that of the early pilgrim. (It is interesting to note that many
walkers in ancient times often averaged 60 kilometers (36 miles)
per day, similar to the distance a road biker might choose to cover nowadays.)
Horse and donkey riders, as well as mountain bikers, can utilize
many, but not all, parts of the GR65 walking path. Road bikes can only occasionally use the GR65 walking route– when it corrsponds with roads, and lanes.
Baggage Transportation: If you are locked into specific reservations, or can definitively plan at least a day ahead, then perhaps you will wish to pay for baggage service and carry much smaller and lighter paniers.
I spoke with two companies providing baggage transportation along the Le Puy to St. Jean-Pied-de-Port itinerary. Transbagages, tel 04-66-65-27-75 (office), 06 80 06 32 19 (cell) ,, operates between Le Puy and Condom (and possibly as far as St. Jean Pied de Port., and charges (2002) 7 € for each suitcase per day (call a day ahead between 4:00 PM and 7:30 PM). The author confirmed from several sources along the way that Transbagages is considered very reliable. Factage, tel. 05-63-94-75.60, operates between Le Puy and Figeac and charges (2011) 7 Euros per day per walking stop (but €14 per day for a typical biking stage of 3 walking stops (call a day ahead between 6:00 PM and 9:30 PM). author did not checkup independently on the reliability of Factage.
Between St. Jean Jean Pied de Port and Roncevalles the following company assures the transport of baggage for €8 per bag (2011):
Exposure to the Sun: In the months when the sun is highest and when the air is dry, and especially if you have fair skin, strongly consider arising and departing early in the morning. Days are very long, and if you are not careful, you will have ample opportunity to overexpose yourself to the sun and to heat. Catch your breakfast at a café along the route, or buy it at a patisserie. Set your itinerary to arrive by early afternoon.
Why a biking Itinerary?: In France, there has been no "standard" or even semi-official
routing for road bikers. Therefore, it is
necessary for individuals to lay out an itinerary or follow a preexisting one. In laying out the Itinerary which I followed and that I present on this site, I utilized these criteria: to be faithful to the the spirit
of pilgrimage, without undue hardship; to use the GR65 and the ancient
pilgrimage routes where conveniently possible; to visit the
most important religious and tourist sites along the way; and to give a choice of routings if appropriate. (I have read the itinerary presented in the book in English listed below, but believe mine is signifigantly better.) <Link
to Detailed Itinerary - Part 1>
How to use the Itinerary: The descriptions of the principal religious and tourist sites in the itinerary are mainly for the purpose of planning your daily and weekly schedule . To learn more about these and other sites, you will need to also carry a guide book (see below). It is up to you, of course, to decide how far to ride each day — and where tostop. My choice of nightly stops is based partly upon the religious and touristic importance of the stop, but also the difficulty of the route. In any event, my itinerary mentions the most likely intermediate overnight stops.
Do, please, read the itinerary in advance to see how hard each day will be, and so you know which route choice you will take. Do, please, trace your planned routing onto your map(s). This is guaranteed to make your route-finding much easier and less error-prone. This site was created before the day of GPS navigation. If a reader wishes to send way points, I will look at adding them. Is technology appropriate for a pilgrimage which for some may emulate the pilgrims of one-thousand years ago?
Unless otherwise noted in the itinerary, if the author's experience is representative, automobile traffic everywhere should be light, very light, or nonexistent—except very near and in eight large towns. (Traffic could perhaps be somewhat heavier during the main tourist season of mid-July to August). <Link to author's traffic rating nomenclature>.

Deciding on the
Purpose and Style of Your Trip:Are you a pilgrim?
Are you a tourist? A combination? Are you a rider for the physical
pleasure or for the exercise? Do you want to meet other travelers,
or are you in a self-contained group? How much weight are you going
to put on your bicycle?
If you are planning to travel along the Route of Saint Jacques as a
pilgrim, are you sure you wish to cycle? Obviously, there is a big
difference in speed, total time, observation, contemplation and
feeling between walking, or riding an animal, or mountain biking, or road cycling.
How much money are you prepared to spend? Are you going to eat
in restaurants, or cook your own meals. Can you afford hotels?[Note: prices below are far out of date, and now are undoubtedly much higher.] If
you stay in Gite d'Etapes (communal living in bunk rooms) or religious accomodations and cook
yourself or eat pilgrim menus, you may spend as little as €10 - €15 per day
(double that in Spain). If you camp, you can spend even less. Are
you going to stay only in hotels and eat in restaurants? Your budget
will be many times higher, ranging from € 45 to € 80 per
day (double occupancy)(unless you splurge on the rare luxury hotel or restaurant).
You need to think all this through in advance,
so that you can plan your route, visits, stops, type of accommodations,
and clothing, in keeping with your objectives.
sources about the route in France:
It is evident that you will bring the necessary guidebooks
and maps with you, or buy them along the way, and that you will
plot your route onto the maps (or, as my second choice, onto a GPS) ahead of time. As a biker, because
of the hilly country and minor roads of this trip, the author strongly
recommends choosing 1:100,000 maps from the IGN: Map nos. 50,
58, 57, 63 and 69, and not using the Michelin or other 1:200,000 maps.
(Note: There will be a few kilometers south of Aire-sur-l'Adour where
these maps will not have coverage. You can rely upon the directions of the itinerary, or for coverage of these few kilometers
you can buy IGN map no. 62.) I do not recommend the Open Street Maps or Google Maps or Apple Maps at this time (2015). Also consider carrying one or two maps with a scale of 1:400,000 or more, in order to see how the Chemin fits within France.
If you are a walker, you
should carry French guide books for their convenient 1:50,000 maps
that you will need (even if you don't speak French), supplemented
by one 1:200,000 or more, large-scale map. Using 1:50,000 maps rather
than the guide books can be more bulky and more expensive, because
of the many maps required. However the guide books do not cover all the area a cyclist will traverse.
Guides in English:
The Confraternity of Saint James, a UK charity (
provides helpful materials, and sells a selection of guide books in English and French.
Guides in French: An excellent set of three booklets,
even if you don't read much French, essential for those planning
to stay in hotels, or chambres d'hôtes, or those who have
horses or donkeys (and useful to everyone else) is called "Miam-Miam-Dodo. It is available directly form
the author, or more easily from the Confraternity of Saint James
site described above, or from the French Amazon site, and elsewhere. Do look at the bottom of the first booklet's Internet page to see sample pages. Miam-Miam-Dodo provides
in French some general information, and also a complete hotel and
accommodation listing within 5 kilometers of the walking route, with reasonably accurate prices. Each volume weighs 210 grams ( 7.4
ounces), so if you are worried about carrying too much weight, and
if you know the type of accommodations you will be staying in, then
you might wish to copy information from the Miam-Miam-Dodo book
into the Confraternity Guide before you leave. Incidentally, the author of the booklet walked the Way of Saint
Jacques leading a mule, which carried all supplies. The root Internet
site is a worldwide compendium of information about mules.
The French organization FFRP publishes three (consecutive) guides
to the GR65the walkers Route of Saint Jacques (FFRP References
#651,#652 and #653) (€16,40 in 2021). Altogether they 540 grams, or about 1 pound .
They are very useful for walkers, as they give detailed 1:50,000
maps and detailed routings, a fairly complete list of non-hotel
accommodations, color photos, and a discussion of major sites and
regions. However, it is not always very clear on the maps when the
GR 65 is on a road and when it is not. Also, the bike route can
be off of the maps provided. Finally, I believe that Miam Miam Dodo now provides more useful maps, but again, these may not show all bike routes..Thus, bikers will be better served
by not using these guides and relying upon the Itinerary given here
plus the guides and maps mentioned above.
French guides are also available in Le Puy, most other bookstores along the route, and online.
For those who read French extremely well and who want an intellectual, and literally, somewhat heavy (literally and
figuratively) book, "Le Chemin de St-Jacques, Du Puy-en-Velay
à Roncevaux Par le GR 65", published in 1995 has 1:50:000 maps showing
the modern route (and its variants) as well as the ancient paths.
(16.9 ounces). It contains only a partial list of smaller hotels
and hostels, and lengthy descriptions of sights and history from
the pilgrim's perspective. A few new and used copies are available at
Summary: Therefore, for bikers, I strongly recommend carrying (1) the Miam-Miam-Dodo
book if you are staying in hotels or chambres d'hôte or campsites or might
do so or wishing to provision yoursel); (2) the 1:100,000 IGN
maps enumerated above;and (3) the
itinerary that follows on this Site (of course!).
And, for those who read French well and who don't mind the weight (or
copy selected pages before you go), the French literary book and/or the 3 topo-guides
that provide suseful background information and photos on the land and
the history of the Pilgrimage, which, unfortunately, none of the
above-named English materials provide.
Information Sources
about the route in Spain: The Confraternity of Saint
James, mentioned above, ( sells a booklet on The Camino francés (Spanish route
from France to Compostella), another on The Cycling Pilgrim
on the Camino francés, and many others. The books from Cicerone press
mentioned above cover the Spanish Camino. The
following two Spanish Internet sites in English (and other languages)
are dedicated to the Santiago pilgrimage, and have a great amount of
helpful information for both walkers and bikers: (in Spanish, but some english links to click on).
Also available are free booklets (still I hope) published by the Gobierno de Navara,
Departamento de Industria, Comercio, Turismo y Trabajo and available
from the tourist offices in Roncesvalles or Pamplona (and probably
elsewhere). It provides detailed information on all the classic
stages of the trip. However, these booklets are duplicative of the
information available on the Internet.
Reader William Anderson writes that his family
spent several nights on the floors of polideportivos (gymnasiums)
. "I make one strong recommendation -- buy or bring a sleeping
pad."They can be purchased in Spain "for about 6 Euros...Fortunately,
most of the albergues provided blankets and we survived some other wearing extra clothing inside our sleeping sheets....Maybe
this August was cooler than usual."
There are..."numberous challenging stretches
if one is trying to stick with the 'camino authentico.' I met an
English couple from Kent who were negotiating the up-and-down terrain
somewhere west of Pampolona. They both had road bikes and most of
their baggage was being ferried ahead by a family member. The man
was carrying his and his wife's bikes up the hills...I dont see
how they fared off on some of the rougher downhills. Frankilly,
I doubt that they perserved (ofroad at least) much beyond where
I met them...Some downhills will test even the best of mountin bikes."
"In Gallicia, the camino is coded and
signed for legs that are (i) suitable for bikes of all sorts, (ii)
difficult, or (iii) impossible except by mountain bike (which, even
then, might have to be walked)...An English volunteer named John,
who cruises the camino each summer...authoritatively informed me...that
the only real "camino authentico" was the old Roman road
(the calzada), which in many instances was now the paved highway,
and that I was taking foolish risks cycling [with a mountain bike]
down the steep and rocky sections of the modern camino. Still I
am glad I did it." (Reader Anderson, in his email , mentions
a couple of injuries requiring stitches, one involving his family,
on a steep part of the trail.)
Much of the standard Spanish Santiago route for road bicycles is on busy national highways, with one-meter-wide
bike lanes.
Many additional photos may be viewed in the detailed
bicycle itinerary.
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